
Receptive Operator/Buyer Registration Form

March 25 - 28, 2019

Hilton Anchorage
Anchorage, AK

(Scroll down for registration form)

As a hosted receptive buyer company, you will receive:

  • Complimentary registration, including all meals and sessions on March 25-28, 2019.
  • Complimentary airport transfer
  • A $200 allowance to off-set a portion of any airfare cost. (check will be sent after conference)
  • Complimentary hotel stay for four nights (arriving March 25 and departing March 29)
  • Attend the March 26 City Adventure Tour of Anchorage.
  • A raffle with a chance to win great prizes provided by suppliers


  • Please see online registration form below. Registration is by invitation only. There are a limited number of receptive buyer registration slots, first come first serve.
  • Due to space limitations, we can only accept one representative per receptive buyer company. This will be strictly enforced.
  • Airfare is not included.
  • To receive the complimentary hotel stay, you will need to stay for the duration of the conference including all one-on-one marketplace meetings.


Tentative 2019 Agenda:

March 25:  AAC Arrival Day and welcome reception
March 26: City Adventure Tour of Anchorage, followed by reception
March 27: Presentations and One-On-One Marketplace Meetings followed by reception
March 28: One-On-One Marketplace Meetings
March 29: Departure Day

There are a limited number of receptive buyer slots available for Active America China 2019. Unfortunately we have reached the maximum number of slots. Please email us at info@activeamericachina.net to be put on a waiting list.